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Category: Living Well

Hepatitis A FAQs

What is hepatitis? “Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. Toxins, certain drugs, some diseases, heavy alcohol use, and bacterial and viral infections can all cause

top 5 healthy heart tips
Diet Nutrition

Top 5 Healthy Heart Tips

Here are 5 most important things you can do to look after your heart. Give up smoking If you’re a smoker, quit. It’s the single

Burn Injuries and Pain

Dealing With the Pain Caused by a Burn Injury Burn injuries are very common and affect hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. The CDC

Medical supplies
Living Well

A Women’s Physical Exam

A Woman’s physical exam is an essential part of caring for you health The words “complete physical exam” have long stirred up feelings of concern

Joint Pain in a Young College Athlete

[pdf-embedder url=”https://integrauc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/IUC_ArticleonGout.pdf” title=”College Athlete Joint Study by Vicki Brooks”]

Falls and Their Consequences

Each year, millions of older people those 65 and older fall. In fact, one out of three elderly individuals falls each year, but less than

Food poisoning: What you need to know

Despite food safety measures, the threat of foodborne illness remains in meat and produce — and some types of illness are on the rise. About

Inflammation and Diet

Inflammation is a protective process you are probably more familiar with than you think. Inflammation is the body’s method of healing itself in response to